Monday, May 1, 2017

Legislative Update

Good morning,
Here is where we landed over the weekend, if you were not checking the blog or reading the emails.
Technical Colleges/Centers
·         No Performance funding-The House folded on this issue  after lunch yesterday.
·         An increase of $3,713,917 will be include in the Workforce fund for equity. 
That amount represents $1.3 million in new money and they rolled the money allocated last your for SIS into the fund for distribution. This is an  attempt to bring those below 100% up. 
·         Okaloosa Technical College got $150,000 to expand their welding program
·         RiverOak  Technical College will receive $300,000 to expand the Health programs.

FEFP got a .34% increase.

There is still deliberation on other areas of the budget. Until the final version comes out tomorrow, we will not see the full picture. I am uncomfortable until I actually see the numbers in the proposed budget. At that time we will see the allocations for the Workforce fund to you.

I was unable to get a straight answer on why they dropped our performance money, but I do have an opinion. It will be shared at a later date.
The Education bills I am following are still out there, so the games are not over until the handkerchief drops on Friday.
The budget staff in the House and Senate have been great advocates for us. After the dust settles I will send you their contact information so you can thank them.
I also will be providing you a proposed plan of action for the next session. 
I know your Graduation ceremonies are coming up, please consider inviting your Senator or Representative to speak.  There will be some talking points coming forward for your consideration  to use in your discussions with them.
I want to thank those of you who did take the time over the last year to reach out to your legislators, it could have been worse if you had not done so.

These are some issues still left to be resolved, which will have an impact:
·         Sharing local millage with Charters SB376/HB5103
·         Schools of Hope HB5105/SB7101
·         High Impact Charters SB976/HB7101
·         Cost per student station New Construction SB 1598
Remember you can watch the action at

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